Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discuss the Mexican-American War and its importance Essay

Discuss the Mexican-American War and its importance - Essay Example rts that most of the operations lasted one and half years making the Americans to quickly occupying New Mexico and California (Goldensohn 2006 pg 36). The major consequences of the war were specified in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The war was highly propagated by the President James Polk to facilitate the American territorial expansion though the Whig party was highly against it. The huge amount of resources in form of money and casualties was highly criticized. The importance of the war historically is immense as it lead to the crucial expansion of the American territory and hence progress. Can one imagine America without California, America would not have become successful economically as it largely depends on California for economic success (Goldensohn 2006 pg 36-48). Had Mexico won the battle America would not have been the superpower as we speak hence America would have been less powerful today. In fact, the acquisition of land to the west allowed America to become rich and more powerful and this is majorly attributed to the Gold Rush that took place in California (Castillo 2008 pg

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Information Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information Management - Essay Example The right dissemination and application of information is power. Accordingly, the conversion of data from internal and external sources into information is called Information Systems. This is also known as Information Management and is typically computer based. It helps in enhancing the decision making process, enhances the operations, helps in overall growth of the company. It includes hardware, software, people, communication system, and the data itself. Information Systems can be used in any type of company be it manufacturing, retailing, or the service industry. This report analyzes the use of IS in the supply chain management. Supply chain management involves getting the right things at the places at the right time for maximum profit. Zara, a leading Spanish Fashion clothing company, is a classic example of having an unorthodox and cutting edge approach in the supply chain management. To cater to the changing demands of the customers, some manufacturers take care of management of supply and distribution in addition to designing. Zara is one such company, which has retained direct control over the entire process. Today Zara has attained the distinction of being a global brand having its presence in 60 countries with over 858 retail shops in big cities of the world (Inditex). It has made the best use of the resources and achieved the current position. They apply the â€Å"sense and respond† business model in this supply chain management. They react immediately because they have direct access to demand data. They base their product design and development on the demand data collected from the POS or the POS data mining technology. Information from their stores is constantly transmitted to the team of 200 desig ners. This gives them a competitive edge as far as customer satisfaction is concerned. Zara works at the pace of the society (Zara). This report would examine how effectively Zara uses Information System to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Portrayal Of Homosexuals In Bollywood Film Industry Sociology Essay

Portrayal Of Homosexuals In Bollywood Film Industry Sociology Essay This study on the perception on the portrayal of homosexuals in Bollywood film industry was majorly chosen as homosexuals have always been a topic the researcher wants to research on. Moreover there have been several research on homosexuals laws, their societal status, their recognition in the society, their rights, etc. but there have been less study in relation of homosexuals in media that to in the Indian film industry Bollywood. After the case and the controversies of the movie FIRE people in India have got an idea about homosexuals but they have still not come out and spoke about it or have accepted them as a part of their societies. Major protest, rallies have been taking place on recent schedules in India in different cities by these homosexual people but the society has still not stood up to answer them. India has about 2.5 million homosexuals which makes it 15-20 % of the population. Further few studies conducted in relation to this topic say that homosexuals have a bad ima ge in the society as they are the minorities and they are seen as negative people in the society. So the researcher carried with the research on the portrayal of the homosexuals in the Bollywood movies their perception in South India. If any well-educated man is asked to control is sexuality towards a women he would say NO they why does the society see homosexuals alone in a different way? Just because they are minority in the society? Doesnt every individual have their own rights in selection of their sexuality that to from a democratic country like us? The question that is yet to be answered is whether to start discussing these complex issues such a gays and lesbianism. Clearly the place of them in the culture is one of the central debates for decades and media representation will continue to be contested terrain for some time. Homosexuality, it is true that it was practiced in the ancient era and other parts of the world including few tribes of Africa where it is still practiced. But in todays world it is a known concept and practice in major parts of the countries and cities. In India on a continuous basis different rallys has been taking place in the major cities such as Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi to educate people about the group and also to seek their own rights in the society. From culture to sex everything is related to education it starts from there. Thus this topic homosexuality has been chosen by the researcher in an attempt to make the general public aware of the existing relationship between similar sexes and to help this minority to gain their basic rights. Among all the media in the mass communication field, cinema is the most powerful and a popular one. Films being the main source of entertainment in India, people of every section of the society like to watch and enjoy movies. The lack of alternative mode of entertainment in rural centers had resulted in the emerging cinema and it is also a cheap form of entertainment for the lower classes whos only other mode of entertainment is chit chatting and roaming in the streets. When cinema has the power to attract so many people in a society like us, one can imagine the influence it has on the audience life style, but at the same time one cannot also deny the fact that the reel is similar to the real. Especially in Indian movies, cinema in a way reflects our society. It is also a form of social phenomenon. Cinema makes use of all the socio-cultural beliefs and as and how situations changes the film makers also change the pattern of presenting it to the public. All these specialties of Bombay cinema makes it a powerful instrument of image and opinion building in the minds of our society. Films are a social document and representation of reality. In the case of homosexuality there has been a lot of information provided in the printed, television and the internet but when it comes to cinema there is a separate genre called the Queer Cinema. How effectively has this genre reflected its main concern that is the homosexuality is the reason behind the selection of this topic by the researcher. Films being a great artifact of the society at these times, they have a great and deep impact on their audiences. And keeping the Indian audience in mind film has been selected to be the most appropriate mediums it goes across the literacy level and encompasses all sections of the Indian population society, so the best medium to reach out to society and to examine the portrayal of homosexuality is through films especially Bollywood films. 3.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of the study is to examine the portrayal of homosexuals in the Bollywood films through both Quantitative as well as Qualitative research methods. To understand how Bollywood Films as a form of media has portrayed the homosexuality? To comprehend the Perception of the Homosexuals on the Portrayal of homosexuality in the Bollywood Films? To examine the perception of media professionals and the public on the portrayal of homosexuality in Bollywood Films? 3.3 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Homosexuals: they are people who get attracted to the same sex mentally, physically and sexually. Gay/Lesbians: Gay is when a man is attracted to another man mentally, physically and sexually. Lesbian is when a woman is attracted to another woman mentally, physically and sexually. LGBT: Expansion lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender. It is a community to help the minorities in the society. Queer culture: The pattern of life, behavior, attitude, relationships of the members of society who has an alternative sexual orientation. Queer Films: The movies whose central themes are based on same-sex relationships. Homophobia: Homophobia is a feeling of hatred or fear towards the homosexuals. Negative attitude towards non-heterosexual people and also hostility towards them. Sexual minority: People in the societies who are less in number and discriminated in accordance with their sexuality or orientation or gender identity. Perception: The  process  by which people translate sensory  impressions into a coherent and unified view of the world around them. Though necessarily based on incomplete and unverified (or unreliable)  information, perception is equated with reality for most  practical  purposes and guides  human behavior  in general. (Business Dictoinary) 3.4 RESEARCH DESIGN Research is a way thinking, analyzing examining critically the various aspects of day to day professional life understanding and formulating procedures that govern a particular procedure and testing it with theories for enhancement of the studies. In simple words it is one of the ways to find answer to a question. In this particular study the research is done to find out the perception of public, homosexuals and media professionals on the portrayal of homosexuals in the Bollywood films. Research is a process of collecting analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions (Berger, 2000) To do a research there are two methods: The Qualitative 2) The Quantitative. Qualitative research is generally conducted to know the standard the quality and the analysis of a particular topic. Whereas quantitative research is done on the validation of a number or numeric. The researcher did both Qualitative and Quantitative study. 3.4.1 Methods of data collection Methods of Data Collection Secondary Sources Primary Sources Documents Questionnaire Interviewing Observation Mail Questionnaire Participant Structured Collective Questionnaire Unstructured Non-Participant GOVT Publications Earlier Research Census Personal Records Client Histories Service records (Cited from Research Methodologies, Ranjit Kumar-2005, pg. 118) (Kumar, 2005) 3.4.2 Quantitative Research: Different researchers have Different definitions for quantitative research methods. According to Cohen and Manion (Cohen Manion, 1980), quantitative research is a social process that involves empirical methods and statements. He explains empirical statement as descriptive statement about what is the case and real world that what ought to be. Whereas, John Creswell (Creswell,1994) he defined quantitative research as a type of research that explains phenomena by collecting any numerical data that are analyzed using mathematics (in particular statics). In a quantitative project, the problem is best addressed by understanding what factors or variables influence an outcome. (Creswell, 1994) The word quantity comes from a Latin word meaning quantitas.This particular research method measures, counts, focuses and it is statistical , describes and predicts and finally leads to hypothesis and theory. There are different methods of conducting quantitative research but in this particular study the researcher adopted surveying method to collect data from the general public and to know their perception on the portrayal of homosexuality in Bollywood movies. Surveying: Surveying design provides a quantitative or numeric description of trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. (Cresw,1994) . A research method used to get information from particular or certain groups which represent a larger group of people who are to the interest to us. We concentrate things on what people know, what they think, they do, their attitudes, beliefs, behaviors etc. There are two kinds of surveys: Descriptive surveys and Analytical surveys. Surveys collect data in two methods: Interviews or the self-administrated questionnaires. Questionnaire is a list of questions which is passed over to a large number of people and they are asked to answer it and hand it over to the senders. Interviews can be group, individual, and personal through face to face or even telephone. This method is in-expensive and it is very common. In this method information can be attained at one time because it collects quantitative and numeric data. (Berger, 2000) Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research Methods: Advantages: Enables the description of the social structure that is not directly observable. Well suited for comparison between groups, areas, etc. None biased and Analysis is between social phenomenon Well suited for Quantitative description Description of change is applicable. Disadvantages: Applicable only for measureable phenomena Simplifies the complex reality Difficult to study process and dynamic phenomena Description of perspective, meaning and intentions are difficult. 3.4.3 Qualitative Research Method Qualitative research is focussed on deeper significance that the subject the researcher aspires to research one. Interpretive, naturalistic approaches to the subjects are a part of the qualitative research analysis. It gives more importance to the data collected or existing information. Qualitative researches rely on text and image data, have unique steps in data analysis and draw on diverse strategies of inquiry (Creswell, 1994). There are several characteristics for qualitative research methods: It takes place in natural setting. Uses multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic. It is emergent rather than tightly prefigured. It is fundamentally interpretive. It is via a social phenomenon. It totally depends on the participants and their biography and their information. Complex reasonings are used. Types of data collection in qualitative research methods are: Observations Completer participant Observer as participant Participant as observer Complete observer Interviews Face to face Telephone Group Mail Documents Public documents Private documents Email discussions Audiovisual materials Photographs Videotapes Art objects Computer software Film The word quality is from a Latin word qualitas meaning what kind? It involves matters such as text, degree of excellence and distinguishing characteristics. The common qualitative research methods are Field Studies Focus Group In-depth interviews Case studies Content Analysis In this particular study the researcher had chosen qualitative method in which he would conduct in-depth interviews to get the perception of the homosexuals and the media professionals. In-Depth Interview: In-depth Interview also called as Intensive interview are hybrid one to one conversation or communication. In-depth interviewing is qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspective on a particular idea, programme or situation. (Boyce Neale, May 2006) Qualities of intensive interviews are: Small samples Gives a detailed background and specific answers Lengthy observation of respondents. Customized to individual respondents The rapport between the interviewer and respondent matter Process of conducting in-depth interview : Plan Develop Instrument Train Data Collectors Collect data Analyze Data Disseminate Findings. Advantages and Disadvantages of in-depth interview (Boyce Neale, May 2006) Advantages: Wealth of details the method provides Data is more accurate responses on sensitive issues when compared to other methods such as survey The rapport between the interviewer and respondent is easy to develop Practical in nature Information obtained through this method is virtually impossible to be obtained from other method. Defectiveness is involved Dis-advantages: Generalization Takes place sometimes Sensitive to interviewer Bias Sometimes problems in Data analysis 3.4.4 TRIANGULATION It is selected a model when a researcher uses two different methods in an attempt to confirm, cross-validate or corroborate findings with a single study. (Greene Caracelli, 1997) Triangulation is a research method used in combination of several research methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon. In this particular research a combination of qualitative and quantitative is used for the study. This traditional method was originally used in social science research studies. It is an appropriate method in studying the credibility of the qualitative research analysis. It is one of the mixed method models in the research methods. This traditional model uses both quantitative as well as qualitative in balancing both the methods negatives and doing an in-depth research. The triangulation research process has different models such a convergence, Data Transformation Model, Validating Quantitative Data Model, Multilevel Model. In this particular research the researcher used triangulation model to collect datas from all the groups and to validate data. In this particular study the researcher had chosen the triangulation method for a comparative analysis of the perception of the homosexuals, media professionals and the public on the portrayal of homosexuality in the Bollywood movies. -Triangulation Convergence Model: (Creswell Clark, Mixed Method Research, 2007) QUAN-Results QUAN-Data Analysis QUAN-Data Collection Interpretation QUAL+ QUAN Compare And Contrast QUAL Data Collection QUAL- Results QUAL Data analysis -Advantages and Disadvantages of Triangulation research method: (Creswell Plano Clark, 2007) Advantages: Overall interpretation is from variety of different factors. Cross validation. Balance between methods. Well validated and sub-stantiated findings and well known for many researchers. Disadvantages: Increased amount of time needed in comparison of both the methods data collected. Difficulty of dealing with the vast amount of data. 2.5.5 SAMPLING Sampling is the tradition of metric research to develop claims that generalize across populations of people, media industries, media texts and the like. (Anderson, 2012) Therefore most of the research involves some method of sampling that enters a set of population in the research. There are basically two types of sampling: Probability and Non-probability sampling. Probability Sampling: It is when each one of the population has an equal or known chances of selection. The best of this sampling method is that every member of the population either in equal chances as in simple random sampling or known chances as in Stratified random sampling. This method gives each and every individual a chance of being selected. Non-Probability Sampling: This method of sampling requires more concentration and thought more than probability sampling. This method can still represent a population in the criterion basis. Every effort has to be made for the control of the sources and to avoid errors in the study. There are different types of non-probability sampling. They are: Convenience Samples: In this sample the analyst attempts to anticipate the arguments against its acceptance. Quota and Judgment Samples: This sampling method needs to ensure that the evidence for the quota values and the judgments made is strong enough to justify their use. Panel Studies: The research panel will draw out a random sample drawn according to best practices. Snowball Sampling : Snowball sampling another type of non-probability sampling and a method which will be used in this particular study. Snowball sampling is when one particular participants help is finding out other participants. In simple terms it can be called as the respondent -driven sample. This method is greatly affected by the initial point of access- the one who starts the snowball. This method requires advance knowledge on the set of population thats being sampled. This particular sampling method helps in understanding the entire group of sample to be studied but it is a complex method as it is difficult for analysis and errors might take place due to communication process. The researcher adopted this method in finding out samples for the qualitative research methods to examine the perception of the homosexuals about the portrayal of homosexuality in Bollywood movies. The researcher interviewed a samples size of 10 for the in-depth interview and one extended interview that is with a sample one for the media professionals perceptions about the portrayal of homosexuality in Bollywood movies. Purposive Sampling: The purposive sampling technique, also called judgment sampling, is the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities the informant possesses. ( Dolores C. Tongco, 2007) This sampling is a non-probability sampling method which does not need any of the underlying theories or set of informants. Simply put, the researcher decides what needs to be known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information by virtue of knowledge or experience (Bernard 2002, Lewis Sheppard 2006). For the quantitative method the researcher has adopted survey method with non-probability sampling i.e. purposive sampling and collected questionnaires from people in south India who has watched Bollywood movies. A sample size of 150 was collected from which the researcher got about 120 completed questionnaires. The age group concentrated was from the 18-30. The table below will explain the distribution of the survey method sample by age and gender. Sample will be equally distributed among the gender and age so that the analysis is not gender or age biased. Table 3.1: Distribution of respondents according sex Frequency Per cent Valid Per cent Cumulative Per cent Valid female 59 49.2 49.2 49.2 male 61 50.8 50.8 100.0 Total 120 100 100.0 Table 3.2: Distribution of Respondents by Age Frequency Per cent Valid Per cent Cumulative Per cent Valid 18-22 41 33.9 34.2 34.2 23-26 40 33.1 33.3 67.5 27-30 39 32.2 32.5 100.0 Total 120 100 100.0 s

Friday, October 25, 2019

Emergency Management LA Riots Essay -- essays research papers fc

Table of Contents Page 3- Introduction Page 3 - Los Angeles Erupts Page 5- Figure #1- City of Los Angeles- Extent of damage Page 6- The Powder Keg and the Spark Page 7- LA- Rich vs. Poor, Black vs. White Page 7- Crack Cocaine and Gangs Page 8- Figure #2- Gang Territories 1996 Page 9- The LAPD- Protectors of Occupying Force? Page 10- Rodney King and Latasha Harlins Page 11- Long Term Planning Page 11- Prevention/Mitigation Page 11- Preparedness Page 12- Response Page 12- Recovery Page 14- Bibliography Introduction The aim of this assignment will be to provide an overview of the civil unrest which took place in the city of Los Angeles, California, USA from April 29 to May 2, 1992. In examining this incident I will endeavor to explain how and why it happened, who and what was affected and what the long term planning implications are for an event such as this. In order to do this I will present an overview of the four days of violence that gripped Los Angeles and investigate some of the root causes of the uprising. Finally, I will present my theories of how better or different prevention, preparedness, response and recovery could have minimized the effects of the incident. Los Angeles Erupts In the late afternoon of April 29, 1992 sparks of anger and alienation erupted in Los Angeles, California, USA. For 4 days violent civil unrest raged in this Metropolis of 9,000,000 (U.S. census population estimate for Los Angeles County, California State demographic Research Unit, California Department of Finance), causing the deaths of 54 people, injuring over 2,400 (University of Southern California, â€Å"The Los Angeles Riots 1992†, isd/archives/ la/la_riot.html) and causing property damage of approximately $1,000,000,000 USD (Falkenrath & Rosegrant, 2000). Over these four days, more than 7,000 people were arrested on looting, assault, arson and weapons related charges (Salak, 1993, pg. 33). Starting at the intersection of Florence and Nomandie, in the predominantly black and hispanic inhabited area of LA known as South Central, a small group of 25-40 teens took to the streets and began a rowdy protest, striking cars with baseball bats and shouting anti police slogans. The Los Angeles Police Department responded with 6 officers and during the course of attempting to arrest 2 gang members,... ...nedy School of Government, Harvard University. Gimbarzevsky, B., 1995, Canadian Homicide Trends 1961-1994, https://teapot. Mancock, I., Tristan, C. & Lunn, J., 2004, Introduction to Emergency Management, CD ROM, Charles Sturt University, Australia. McMahon, R., 2001, Civil Disorder Resolution, Command Strategies and Tactical Responses, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN. O’Connor, A, 2000, CRASH Set Up Latinos to be Deported, The Los Angeles Times Newspaper Owens, T., 1994, Lying Eyes; The Truth Behind the Corruption and Brutality of the LAPD and the Beating of Rodney King, Thunders Mouth Press, New York, NY. Salak, J., 1993, The Los Angeles Riots, America’s Cities in Crisis, The Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT. Staff writer, 1992, The Toll, Los Angeles Times Newspaper Vernon, R., 1993, L.A. Justice; Lessons From The Firestorm, Focus on the Family Publishing, Colorado Springs, CO. Wenger, Lt. Col. W., 1994, The 1992 Los Angeles Riots, A Battalion Commanders Perspective, Infantry Magazine, US Army , Fort Benning GA. Wilkinson, T, 1991, Korean Grocer Who Killed Black Teen Gets Probation, The Los Angeles Times Newspaper

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Hydroponics As the world’s population grows exponentially, modern agricultural practices must focus on sustainability, to produce food while making efforts to maintain the environment. In order to produce more food for the growing population, producers have increased their use of viable agricultural lands resulting in 11% of earth being tilled for agriculture. While this number seems to be relatively low, it must be addressed that this 11% usage takes up almost all of the world’s land than can be used for crop production, due to various factors such as human development making the land unusable for growing crops (Owen, 2005).In order to combat this ever-increasing issue, alternative-farming methods must be introduced internationally. One alternative method to traditional field-growth of crops has been shown to be very effective for centuries; this method is now called hydroponic production (Jones, 1997). Ancient Babylonian hanging gardens and Aztecan floating gardens ar e two examples of hydroponics from agricultural history that show the advantages of using hydroponics in an agricultural system (Jones, 1997).Hydroponic production of crops is characterized by the propagation of crops in solutions of water and nutrients; these can be used with or without the addition of a growth media to provide mechanical support to the plant’s root system (Jensen, 2007). Growing plants hydroponically provides a wide array of ecological benefits, ranging from the ability to grow plants without the need for viable cropland, to high sustainability due to extremely low emissions. The basic advantages of growing plants in a hydroponic system are explained in Jones’ book, Hydroponics: A Practical Guide for the Soilless Grower (1997).Jones explains the three main advantages as: â€Å"crops can be grown where no suitable soil exists or where the soil is contaminated with disease,† â€Å"labor for tilling, cultivating, fumigating, watering, and other traditional practices is largely eliminated,† this advantage provides incentives for the use of a hydroponic system, but does not directly affect environmental sustainability, and â€Å"maximum yields are possible, making the system economically feasible in high-density and expensive land areas† (Jones, 1997). These three components are key to what makes hydroponic production of crops a viable choice for ecologically sustainable agriculture.The first core advantage of hydroponic production described by Jones is that when hydroponics are paired with greenhouses or other growing environments, production can take place where no suitable soil is present; this addresses a main issue for the future of the food system and agriculture (Jones, 1997). Because most of the possible agricultural land in the world is already being used for production, (in many cases it is being overused,) efforts must be made to use alternative growing methods without expanding cropland.In most curre nt hydroponic systems, plants are propagated in greenhouses that provide maximum efficiency in growth, also providing high accessibility for farmers and control over the growing environment (Leonhardt and McCall, 1982). Within the greenhouses many different systems of production can be utilized, these systems range from the â€Å"water culture system†, which is the most common and simple, to â€Å"aeroponic systems†, which require the highest technology (Shrestha, Dunn).The water culture system employs the basic function of the hydroponic system of production, using a floating platform that holds plants above the surface of the water. The roots are submerged within the water-solution that has an oxygen pump at the bottom of the tank; the tank supplies the roots with oxygen and other nutrients, this is categorized as an â€Å"active† production technique (Shrestha, Dunn). This method can be used at fairly large scales within a greenhouse and helps farmers to thor oughly manage nutrient availability for their plants, something that conventional farmers cannot control as dynamically.Hydroponic production is divided into two main aggregate systems, closed (or recirculating), and open (or run-to-waste), and these two categories are further subdivided by passive and active systems (Johnson, 2010). Closed systems are the most ecologically efficient option for growing hydroponic plants, this is due to the fact that within this type of system, nutrients and water are recirculated and recycled. This means that farmers can reuse water, and add nutrients to the water as needed as plants deplete the concentrations (Shrestha, Dunn).Plants in a closed system are often grown in gravel or â€Å"rockwool cultures,† which is considered the most widely used growth medium for hydroponic production (Shrestha, Dunn). Rockwool cultures are described as ground-up basalt rocks that is heated and spun into threads and used to form a wool-like material, these f orm small cubes that optimize growth for plants by retaining water and allowing for air space for root development (Shrestha, Dunn).By utilizing recycling of water and nutrients, the closed production system offers the greatest choice for sustainability and is the method of choice for many sustainably driven hydroponic farms. Open systems of hydroponic productions involve disposal using of a â€Å"run-to-waste† system of used nutrients and water (Johnson, 2010). The water-nutrient solutions are used by the plants in passive or active methods, and when they have used to their maximum capacity the water, along with the used nutrients are moved to a waste facility (Shrestha, Dunn).The open systems tend to utilize sand as a growth media, as well as the common rockwool culture (Shrestha, Dunn) Active, as a subcategory of open and closed production methods is described as the use of a wick and a growing media with very high capillary action, this provides the roots with the ability to take in the highest levels of water and nutrients. Active systems pass nutrient solutions directly over the plant roots to allow them to intake the nutrients, water and oxygen (Shrestha, Dunn).Each of these hydroponic production systems have their advantages and disadvantages, although closed systems are the most ecologically-friendly, any of the hydroponic systems will provide environmental and sustainable benefits. Other growing environments have recently been introduced for producing crops hydroponically with even further ecological benefits. Structures such as â€Å"vertical farms,† are being familiarized in the production of vegetables. These â€Å"vertical farms† do not require a lot of space and can utilize closed aggregate production systems.A vertical farm is a system of production that uses vertical tiers of growing pots or entire crop beds, because of their vertical alignment, nutrient solutions can be applied once to the highest level of plants and can, with the help of gravity, be passively applied to the plants growing below (Koerner, 2012). This cutting edge technology in the field of hydroponic production appears to be the direction many producers will take to transition hydroponic systems to a larger scale. An ideal use of vertical farming integrated with hydroponic crop production would be to create large, industrial-sized acilities that have many vertical tiers of growing beds for crops. These facilities could be placed within urban areas to provide fresh food to â€Å"food deserts,† and utilize space that would otherwise not be used. An important environmental benefit of these hydroponic systems is that that high yield production can be obtained with minimal emissions and other factors of agricultural production. Because vertical farming is in its beginning stages, there is no conclusive evidence as to how the technology can be translated for use in large-scale agriculture, but there are many highly environmentally conscious paths that can be taken.Food shortages exist all over the world and these shortages are usually due to the inability to produce food, due to the climate, where the shortages exist. For example, many African countries have food shortages and cannot supply their citizens with adequate levels of food availability. The environment in Africa is not conducive for growing crops for the food system; high temperatures and arid climates do not allow the growth of most major food crops. Incorporating hydroponic systems in these types of environments could allow for production of food, where it would be unfeasible otherwise.Hydroponic production allows farmers to manipulate growing conditions and maintain ideal conditions for the growth of crops resulting in the highest possible yields (Jones, 1997). These yields can be achieved in greenhouses, in arid climates, where many important crops for food staples cannot be grown. The third core advantage described by Jones is that maximum yie lds can be achieved in high density and high priced land areas (Jones, 1997). This advantage is key for producing fresh food within urban environments, while maintaining high yields.Efforts are being made in urban environments to produce fresh vegetables where all â€Å"fresh† produce is imported for consumption. The most prevalent example of this type of agricultural system is taking place in New York City in alternative farming methods called â€Å"rooftop farms. † In various New York boroughs, with Brooklyn being the most common, residents are beginning production of fruits and vegetables on top of their homes and apartments (Foderaro, 2012). These rooftop farms often utilize hydroponic production to maximize yields in these alternative-growing environments.New York is considered to be the leader of the movement for commercial agriculture produced in an urban environment and movements such as this one can help the world’s hunger problem (Foderaro, 2012). Beca use most of the world’s expanding population lives in urban environments, this type of agriculture could be a highly viable solution for agricultural production in the future, utilizing available space that would otherwise not be used, especially not for agriculture. In 2012 under mayor Bloomberg’s administration, rooftop farms gained popularity and were greatly backed by various zoning modifications (Foderaro, 2012).These rooftop farms have shown great environmental benefits; in a New York Times article, author Foderaro describes the benefits for growing fresh produce on the city’s rooftops. These benefits include recycling rainwater that would otherwise be diverted to the sewers, and greatly decreasing the amount of trucks bringing produce into the city, ultimately decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases and the consumption of fossil fuels (Foderaro, 2012). This type of system has promise as being a key part of the sustainable agriculture movement that must b e put into affect to increase production for the food system.The ecological benefits that are posed by the commercialization and adoption of hydroponic production practices have been shown for many years, in many different situations. In order to maximize productivity and yield, hydroponic technologies need to become a mainstream method of commercial farming, if general adoption of these techniques becomes more common, more research efforts will be put towards optimizing production methods. Through these studies, hydroponic production of crops can become a truly viable and ecologically sustainable source of food for the food system.Cited Jones, J. Benton. Hydroponics: A Practical Guide for the Soilless Grower. 1. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1997. 1-11. eBook. Owen, James. † Farming Claims Almost Half Earth's Land, New Maps Show. †Ã‚  National Geographic. 28 10 2010: n. page. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. Jensen, Merle H. â€Å"Controlled Environment Agriculture Center. †Ã ‚  Arizona State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Arizona State University, 21 2 2007. Web. 4 Apr 2013. Shrestha, Arjina, and Bruce Dunn. â€Å"Hydroponics. â€Å"Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. HLA-6442 n. page. Web. Apr. 2013. Leonhardt, Kenneth W. , and Wade W McCall. â€Å"Hydroponics. †Ã‚  Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service. General Home and Garden Series. 35 (1982): 1-4. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. Koerner, Claudia. â€Å"Vertical farm: Farmer takes crops to new heights. †Ã‚  Orange County Register  [Laguna Beach] 5 9 2012, n. page. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. Johnson, Larry. â€Å"Types of Hydroponic Systems. †Ã‚  ExGro Garden. N. p. , 25 9 2010. Web. 4 Apr 2013. Foderaro, Lisa. â€Å"To Find Fields to Farm in New York City, Just Look Up. †Ã‚  New York Times  11 7 2012, N. Y. /Region n. page. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Are BHA and BHT bad for you? Essay

The foods we consume can have different kinds of compounds in them that we didn’t know about. These compounds added to the foods we eat are not always detectable. For instance certain compounds can be listed on the nutrition label and we can’t even taste or see them. Butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene, also known as BHA and BHT, are both phenolic compounds that are added to certain foods in order to preserve fats and oils. Even though these compounds are used to preserve the foods we eat, how do we know that BHA and BHT aren’t bad for us? Even though BHA and BHT have minimal negative effects, they are outweighed by many beneficial attributes and are not bad for us. Knowing what these compounds are made of, what their functions are, and how they work will help in answering this central question. Even though BHA and BHT both have the same function, they have different characteristics. â€Å"BHA is a mixture of the isomers 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxya nisole and 2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole, also known as BOA.† The molecular formula of BHA is C11H16O2. BHA can be a yellow tainted or white waxy solid and can have an aromatic odor. BHT â€Å"also known as 3, 5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene; methyl-di-tert-butylphenol; 2, 6-di-tert-butyl-para-cresol,† has a molecular formula of C15H240. BHT physically looks like a white powder. Even though BHA and BHT are used for the same things, BHA is more stable at higher temperatures than BHT so it is used more. There are other antioxidants that can be used like NDGA but they are more expensive than BHA and BHT. BHA and BHT can be found in certain foods or can be found in certain food packaging. BHA and BHT do not have to be directly put into food and products to work. They can be placed in the packaging of food and will have the same effect. These compounds have not only been used to preserve food, but animal feed and some cosmetic products as well. Without BHA and BHT the foods we eat and products containing fats and oils would not be preserved as long as they could be. The use of BHA and BHT enables us to consume foods for a longer period of time. These compounds are antioxidants. â€Å"Oxygen reacts preferentially with BHA or BHT rather than oxidizing fats or oils, thereby protecting them from spoilage.† BHA and BHT are placed either in or inside the packaging of foods so the oxygen reacts with these compounds instead of reacting with the food which in turn will spoil it. In a sense BHA and BHT slow down the oxidizing of fats and oils because eventually most food expires or goes bad and becomes inedible. BHA and BHT are also â€Å"fat soluble and are incompatible with ferric salts.† Since BHA and BHT prevent the fat and oils in food from spoiling, they also prevent the fat and oils in some cosmetic products from spoiling. In addition to preserving cosmetics BHA and BHT are also used in certain pharmaceuticals to be prevented from oxidizing. BHA and BHT can be found in many different kinds of food products. They can be found in â€Å"breakfast cereals, snack food, chewing gum, vegetable oils, shortening, potato flakes, granules and chips, enriched rice, and candy.† BHA and BHT can be found in certain cosmetics like lipstick, lotion, and moisturizers as well. These compounds are also placed inside the packaging of foods. Sometimes when opening a snack or box of food there is a little white package that says â€Å"DO NOT EAT† or â€Å"THROW AWAY† on it. It is usually a white or clear substance inside. Those packages are silica gel, which are similar to BHA and BHT because they are all used in preserving foods, except silica gel is not used in foods and is not safe to consume. BHA and BHT compounds are also found in rubber and petroleum products, and animal feed. Sometimes you can see if a food or product contains BHA or BHT when reading the nutrition label. On the nutrition label sometimes it will say â€Å"BHT has been added to the packaging.† Foods and products that contain fats and oils in them can benefit from BHA and BHT so they can be preserved and therefore used for a longer period of time. BHA and BHT aid in other things relating to the prevention of food and products from becoming rancid due to the oxidization of the oils and fats. â€Å"BHT also prevents oxidative rancidity.† BHA and BHT preserve the color of foods and products as well. When foods or products containing fats and oils become spoiled, their color can change. For example when cereal goes bad it can become stale and moldy which will change its color. BHT and BHA also help maintain the odors of foods and products. When a food becomes rancid it can develop a bad smell. When milk spoils you can tell just by taking the lid off that it instantly has a sour smell. BHT and BHA also help preserve the flavor and taste of foods. After a food has been spoiled, in most cases it has a rancid taste and is not enjoyable or even edible. With BHA and BHT the color, odor, and flavor of foods are being maintained for a longer period of time. BHA and BHT help preserve our foods and products so they are safe to ingest and use in minimal amounts. Even though these compounds have been in many of our food and cosmetic products for a very long time, you can’t help but wonder if they are really safe to come in contact with. â€Å"BHA and BHT were given, generally recognized as safe, GRAS, status and no additional studies were required.† Even though these compounds are considered safe, the amounts in which we receive them are limited. Just because BHA and BHT preserve our foods does not mean we can use mass amounts of them in our foods and packaging to prolong the oxidization process. â€Å"The FDA limits their use in food either alone or in combination with other antioxidants to less than or equal to 0.02% of the total fat and oil content.† BHA and BHT can only be used in these limited amounts enforced by the FDA. It is impossible to ingest or come in contact with too much of BHA and BHT because manufacturers add them is such small amounts. If BHA and BHT were not safe to be used in products and product packaging, the FDA would have banned their use by now. BHA and BHT have been used since 1958 and are still being used today. These compounds are not dangerous to use but have been linked to minor health effects in humans. Lots of animal toxicology has been done with these two compounds, but there have only bee n few records of human reactions to BHA and BHT since its use. â€Å"In 1973 Fisherman and Cohen reported on seven patients with asthma, vasomotor rhinitis with or without nasal polyps, or the combination, who were suspected of intolerance to BHA and BHT.† Even though these patients had these health effects when taking BHT and BHA the details were not given as to why BHA and BHT were considered the reason for these complications. Also another study similar to this was conducted but the same results were not achieved which has proven it inconsistent. â€Å"There are no published reports of BHA or BHT challenges resulting in well documented, reproducible asthmatic responses.† Even though it was found that seven patients had asthma, it cannot be directly related to the ingestion of BHA and BHT. In a different study done in 1975 it was found that after giving patients a total dose of 17 mg of BHA and BHT, they developed recurrent urticaria which is also commonly known as hives. â€Å"Six of 47 tested to BHA reacted, and 6 of 43 reacte d to BHT; it is unclear whether these were the same six patients.† Even though BHA and BHT could have been the cause of urticaria in these patients, it is a very small number of people who reacted to it this way and is not recurring. This does not prove that BHA and BHT are harmful and will always cause people to get hives when ingesting or coming in contact with these compounds. â€Å"Delayed hypersensitivity contact dermatitis through a variety of occupational or medicinal exposures is well documented, but not common.† Skin irritation has been related to BHA and BHT intake but only from very minimal experiences. Urtcaria resulting from these compounds is not common and is not documented as a direct relation to one another. Even though these concerns have resulted from BHA and BHT use, it is not proven to be the cause of these effects on humans The only main concern of BHA and BHT is their carcinogenicity. Carcinogenicity is something that has a tendency to cause cancer in humans. Animal tests using BHA and BHT â€Å"have shown to be cancer promoting and cancer inhibiting.† In some tests BHA and BHT had prevented tumors from developing in mice, and in others the BHA and BHT promoted the development of tumors in mice. Determining whether these compounds promote or prevent cancer in humans depends on various aspects. â€Å"The time of administration, type of carcinogens already present in the body, and the target organ affected,† are a few things that would determine whether it promotes or prevents cancer from arising in humans. Even though the carcinogenicity of these compounds is unsure, the use of them was not prohibited. Any kind of chemical compounds can have suspected negative effects on humans. Even though BHA and BHT have had minor effects, their benefits significantly outweigh those effects. The main benefit of BHA and BHT is of course to preserve food and products for a longer period of time. These compounds can aid us in other ways as well. â€Å"BHA and BHT exhibit anti-microbial activity against several common food pathogens and viruses.† Without BHA and BHT it would be a lot easier for our food products to develop viruses and pathogens that can get us sick. By keeping the food from spoiling longer, these compounds also prevent the development of these pathogens and viruses. This in turn â€Å"helps retain vitamin E in food which otherwise gets destroyed when fat content is oxidized.† Vitamin E helps prevents free radicals from damaging our body tissue. These free radicals can even harm our organs and cells too. Vitamin E also helps us to build a stronger immune system so we won’t get sick as easily from bacteria or develop viruses. Lastly vitamin E is also essential to our body’s formation of red blood cells. BHA and BHT can help us obtain more vitamin E which is necessary for our health. These compounds can enable us to receive so many mor e benefits that vitamin E has by retaining the vitamin E in our foods. â€Å"The oxidization of fat, which occurs in the absence of BHA and BHT, produces peroxides which are definitely carcinogenic and mutagenic.† Carcinogenic peroxides can promote cancer and mutagenic peroxides can cause mutations in our cells. These peroxides can be extremely detrimental to us. So in other words, without BHA and BHT these dangerous peroxides would be produced that are harmful to us. The benefits of BHA and BHT are tremendous and outweigh the small possible negative effects of these compounds. Knowing about the different compounds present in your food and products is important. Just because you can’t see or taste them doesn’t mean that they are not there. BHA and BHT were created to help the preservations of food and products containing fats and oils. These compounds are essential in the prolonging of our use of these certain foods and products. Without BHA and BHT we would not be able to improve shelf life of food and the use of products. Even though BHA and BHT were somewhat connected to asthma and urticaria (hives), they were not declared the direct cause of those conditions. The only concern of BHA and BHT was its carcinogenicity which is unsure due to the confusion and mixed results of its animal testing on mice. The human benefits to BHA and BHT are great ones considering how it is only administered in very minimal amounts. BHA and BHT protect us from pathogens, viruses, and peroxides that can harm us. These compounds enable us to retain more vitamin E which promotes healthier body functions. BHA and BHT have been used for over 50 years. They are not dangerous and have not caused any detrimental effects to humans. We will continue to use BHA and BHT and receive their great benefits.